Your LPC’s recognised name has changed.

As announced at the Dermatology and Engagment event on 19 February, your LPC has changed its title to Community Pharmacy Durham and Sunderland (CPDandS). The committee feels that this better describes the area covered by the LPC, both to local and national colleagues.

The Committee’s statutory name (as required by the NHS Act 2006) remains as “North East Central Local Pharmaceutical Committee.”

To coincide with the change, our website address is now  www.cpdands,

The LPC has also changed its postal address to Community Pharmacy Durham and Sunderland, c/o Millers Pharmacy, 22 Cheapside, Spennymoor, Durham DL16 6DJ.

All other contact details remain the same at the moment.

If you have any queries in relation to these changes please contact Greg Burke, Chief Officer at [email protected] or on 07795 805956