Useful contacts and resources

For queries for Community Pharmacy Durham and Sunderland contact Greg Burke, Chief Officer on 07795805956 or @ [email protected]

Business Continuity Plan
Complaints signposting
Contact details for Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer

For Durham: Victoria Bennett

Tel: 07867 143246

Email: [email protected]

For Sunderland: Emma PostTel: 0191 2172983 (Voicemail available) / Mobile: 07900405470

Email: [email protected]

Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer North East and Yorkshire website

County Durham Drug and Alcohol Services
Community Pharmacy England

Tel: 0203 1220 810

General enquiries: [email protected]

14 Hosier Lane

County Durham Training Hub
Covid outbreaks in primary care
Domestic Abuse Get Help
Durham County Council Public Health Pharmacy Advisor

Claire Jones: Tel: 03000 267662 Email: [email protected]

Healthwatch County Durham

Call: 0800 3047039 between the hours of 09:00 – 17:00 Monday to Thursday, and 09:00-16.30 on Fridays.

Post: Healthwatch County Durham, Whitfield House, St Johns Road, Meadowfield Industrial Estate, Durham DH7 8XL

Email: [email protected]

Healthwatch Sunderland
Management of collection of waste medicines

NHS England and NHS Improvement Email: [email protected]

Tel: 07730382122

Medicines Optimisation Team

Medicines Optimisation Team

North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board

Pemberton House

Colima Avenue



Email: [email protected]

Team phone number: 0191 512 8487

NECS Medicines Optimisation

NHS Business Services Authority
NENC Integrated Care Board

Email: [email protected]

Contact for CPNEC area

Clair Dodds

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 07730382122

NICE Antimicrobial stewardship
NHS Mail

Tel: 0300 555 0340
Email: [email protected]

NHS Profile Manager

NHS Profile Manager is a digital tool which went live in June 2022.

Community pharmacy contractors previously updated two different NHS service information updaters:

  • The NHS website profile editor and
  • Directory of Services (DoS) Profile Updater.

The new NHS Profile Manager replaces the two older information updaters, thereby, preventing contractors from having to input the same information onto two different platforms.

PSNC and the Community Pharmacy IT Group (CPITG), have long requested that the two current NHS service information updaters be merged, and development of the new NHS Profile Manager has been a joint effort between various stakeholders, including, PSNC, NHS Digital and NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I).

The new profile manager will not only save contractors precious time, but should also be more accurate.

Access the NHS Profile Manager

Video Tutorials

Palliative care service pharmacy providers
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment - Co Durham HWBB
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment - Sunderland HWBB
Primary Care Support England

The Customer Support Centre is open from 8:00-17:00, Monday to Friday for all services.

Phone: 0333 014 2884
Post *: Primary Care Support England, PO Box 350, Darlington, DL1 9QN

*Any post, including any claim forms, returns or cheques currently posted to PCSE, should now be sent to the Darlington address above, which is a secure storage and distribution facility. If you wish to courier your documents to us, please note there is a separate address for courier firms to use: Capita Intelligent Communications, Building 17, Units 2 & 6, Lingfield Point, McMullen Road, DARLINGTON, DL1 1RW.


Pharmacy Services North East Ltd


Review Steering Group

Designated Safeguarding Lead Nurse (Adults): [email protected]

Designated Safeguarding Lead Nurse (Adults): [email protected]

Working Monday – Wednesday each week

Designated Safeguarding Lead Nurse (LAC/Children): [email protected]

Designated Safeguarding Lead Nurse (LAC/Children): [email protected]

Generic email addresses: [email protected] 

[email protected]

Administration support: [email protected]

[email protected]


North of England Commissioning Support
Tel: 0300 555 0340
Email: [email protected]

Sunderland City Council Public Health Team

Sunderland City Council – Public Health Team
Public Health Team
Civic Centre
Burdon Rd
Email: [email protected]
Telephone : 0191 561 1976

Tees Esk and Wear Valley Mental Health Trust